Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What are Mind Movies

What can mind movies do for you?

Are you interested in becoming successful at what you do? Do you think that you can continue doing things just as you have for years and get a different result than you have been getting?

I know the answer to the first because everyone desires success. I also know the answer to the second question because I tried to accomplish more by doing the same things I had been doing for years. The only thing I changed was that I just tried harder.

It never did work for me. Has it worked for you?

Well I found something called mind movies that can and will help you create the success you desire in life. it will not take the place of doing things different but it will make doing those different thing way easier.

It does take effort on your part. You have to decide what you want out of life and you have to spend about 3 minutes a day doing the things necessary to make the internal changes necessary to succeed.

It isn't as easy as it sounds. You will start with great enthusiasm but as you begin to change that internal thought process your ego will kick in and tell you this is crazy. If you listen to it you will be back where you starte3d in just a few days and begin the same rut walking process.

What is it I am talking about?

It is called mind movies. These movies are the greatest things for success since Think and Grow Rich.

Don't believe me, give them a try. They have a 30 day guarantee, instant downloads plus a hard copy of the material to your house. They are the real deal and with their use you will find thing start to happen that yu just can't seem to explain.

Anyway you can tell from my enthusiasm for them that I believe in them strongly. Give mind movies a try. I know that when you do you will be looking me up to say thank you.

Monday, July 7, 2008

What are you going to do today with your breath of life

Today is a new day and you have another breath of life to give to this day. Are you grateful for this breath of life or is it something that you expected and that you take for granted?

Did God, Infinite Intelligence, Universal Mind, Jesus, Buddha or whatever name you would rather use give you a specific number of days, hours and minutes to live on this beautiful earth just so you could see the worst possible outcomes in you life?

That to me is the true definition of hell. Is there anything you can think of that would be worse than living the worst outcome possible for the decisions you made in life?

Are these questions that make you feel bad and do you want to tell me where to stick it and go on about your business?

These are fairly good questions. I am sure though that if you give it just a little thought you can come up with a lot of questions that, when you answer them will have a greater impact on your life than any question I could ask.

Life is change, at least that is what God said in "Communion with God" by Neale D. Walsh. That makes sense to me when a little thought is given to it. From the time we are babies till the time we die we are constantly changing.

This is something we do every second that we have on this earth. We do it because we are creating ourselves anew every second. We create ourselves from the creations we make just the second before.

The thing is that we can't do it exactly because we have to incorporate the perception of all other aspects of the divinity into our creation. These perceptions are derived from the cellular memories we have brought with us from birth and maybe even before this particular birth.

Can you imagine the memories that you may have inherited from the thousands of ancestors in this life. Just trying to overcome the physical and emotional pain we have in this life is a tremendous challenge. When you add to it the cellular memories of our ancestors, possible past lives and the ancestral memories from them, then things can seem a little daunting.

The thing is that the actual change in life is going to happen. Our decision is whether it is going to happen on automatic or are we going to make conscious choices as to how we are going to change.

If you decide to make those conscious choices as to how you intend to change then those choices start with the first breath of life you take each morning.

What are you going to do today with your breath of life?

Sim Garner
Visit my Self Development Blog.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How Easy is it to Fail in Internet Marketing.

If you have been marketing an internet based home business online you know, without a doubt, just how easy it is to get discouraged with trying to get traffic to your web site. The pitfalls we run into all the time seem to increase instead of decrease as you go along even when you have the knowledge necessary to succeed.

From the above statement you can get the idea of just how important it is for you to gain the knowledge needed to produce a successful marketing campaign. Not only do you have to know where to spend your marketing dollars and time but you have to know how to spend your marketing dollars and time. This is where this article comes in. One of the most important things you can do to make your advertising dollar and time go further is to learn to use eye catching and results getting adds.

This can be a very difficult thing to do when advertising on the internet. Some of the low cost advertising you will be able to do, and a lot of the more pricey advertising, only allows for about 35 characters in the title and two lines of about 45 characters in the body of the add.

Sounds like a pay per word add in the paper doesn't it?

The good thing is not all advertising is 125 characters or less. Some of then allow 350 or more characters. The bad thing is if you don't use language that catches the eye and attracts your defined audience’s attention and persuades them to action you are wasting your time and your money.

When you, as a internet based marketing entrepreneur on a small advertising budget, decide to pay for advertising, you will need to keep track of your adds and play with the words in them to get the, just right match of draw and action. I could give you a lot of hoopla about action words, the most used words in advertising, or a number of other things that would not mean a hill of beans to you if I haven't got a tested and proven add for your specific product.

Even if I had a tested and proven add for that had been built around a product similar to what you market it doesn't mean it would work with your product, in the type advertising that you would do. You see adds are a lot different than sales letters, or web pages, where you can use a lot of testimonials to build trust in your company and product. They are, catch you on the fly, attention getters that call people to take action that usually brings them to a sales page or possibly an optin form. They are also in competition with a hundred other sales adds calling people to their attention to take a similar action.

So, with all that said can I give you any advise that will help you create a killer add campaign? The answer is both yes and no. I can give you an idea or two but you will have to select a group of words associated with you product, your targeted customers, and the type of add campaign you intend to design. Then you will have to develop a dozen or so adds and start testing.

You test adds by keeping track of what they are accomplishing. You then take your best drawing adds and start your aggressive advertising campaign.

Just one more thing associated with adds. If you don't have a good sales page all your advertising work and dollars are not worth a hill of beans.

So the moral of the story is, test, test and test some more. Test until your adds are drawing the percentage of clickthroughs per number of impressions, that you have determined as a reasonable goal. Then do the same thing (test, test, test) to your sales page until you get the percentage of sales to a point you can say my advertising dollars are being well spent. Then don't stop testing. Keep testing both your adds and sales page so you can make those little adjustments that will help you stay ahead of the curve.

Sim Garner, an average Joe who thinks opportunity abounds and finds value in helping you get what you want out of life. Visit me at Internet Marketing Blog.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Can You Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Have you ever thought of working from home? A lot of companies allow certain types of employees to do just that. Is your company one of those? Will you be able to take vacations and still do your work so that your income does not stop?

These questions are ones you can easily answer by creating your own home based affiliate marketing program.

‘You say’ you don't know what a home based affiliate marketing program is?
Well I didn't either a short while ago. Then something strange happened to me. I realized that in just over two years I would be retiring. What, I asked, am I going to do with myself after I retire?

I know I said. I can become a consultant and most likely make more money than I did as an employee.

Wait a minute, do you know what that would mean? I would not be retired again. I would be starting my own business with myself as my only employee. And, I ask myself, how would that allow me to do the things I was dreaming of doing after retirement?

It wouldn't. I would be tied to another job that would put me back into the 8 to 5 market again.

At about that time I actually thought of something I had been seeing for years on the internet but had not really looked at.

What you may ask was that? My reply, affiliate marketing.

I had seen affiliate programs for several years on the internet but had not given them any serious thought.

Have you?

Now I did. I started looking at all the affiliate programs out there and ‘do you know’ I was totally overwhelmed.

Have you ever been overwhelmed?

There was hundreds if not thousands of affiliate programs out there. You could affiliate yourself with nearly any type of product you had a desire to market.
What in the world! How was I or you suppose to determine what was a good opportunity and what would cost me or you more to market that we would make.

Then I ran across a young man that had found the same dilemma we are in about 5 years earlier. He had not only figured out what worked for him "he makes over $500,000 a year" but had developed a program which includes him setting up my web site for Free and a 30 day "steps to success" training module that went with the website which is also Free.

“This training module is fantastic. If you follow the same steps used by this young man in the module, which have been proven to really work, these simple, practical steps to success will positively work for you.”

Just remember this is not a get rich quick operation. It takes time, effort and commitment to make money but here you have the absolutely best tools and support, guaranteed, to give you what you need to succeed.

Here you, just as I did, can start a proven money making affiliate business from home that has the potential to make you a lot of money and you would be making that money helping many others get the things they desired out of life.

As stated by Zig Ziggler “Help enough others to get what they want out of life and you can get what you want.”

Helping others is the key.
Affiliate Marketing Blog